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PASSPORT >> Applying Passport for the first time

After filling up the application form, two clear photocopies may be made and photograph should be affixed and signatures and thumb impression in the given boxes in original. Thus the set of application Form in triplicate (one original and two photocopies) has to be submitted. With these original and photocopied Application Forms, attested copies of all required documents need to be attached. Illiterate applicants should put only thumb impression in both the boxes meant for thumb impression and signature as well.

Give proof of residence i.e. two self-attested photo copies of the ration card or voters’ identity card or water tax bill or telephone bill or electricity bill or running bank account or income tax assessment order or appointment letter of reputed companies on letterhead (any of them will do) clearly indicating/certifying the residential address.

Give proof of date of birth i.e. two self-attested photocopies of birth certificate issued by a municipal authority or district office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths, if born after January 26, 1989 or date of birth certificate from the school last attended or affidavit sworn before a magistrate/notary as per specimen in the case of illiterate applicants.

If you have not continuously stayed at the present address for the last one year, give an additional set of ‘Personal Particulars Form’ for each place of residence with a photograph and two self-attested copies of supporting documents.

If you are a Government or Public Sector or Statutory body employee, "No Objection Certificate" in original as per specimen with a self-attested photocopy or two copies of the letter by you to your Head of Office informing that you are applying for a passport and duly acknowledged by your Head of Office.

If you have changed your name due to marriage, two self-attested photocopies of husband’s passport, if any, or an affidavit (original and one self-attested photocopy) from the husband and wife along with a joint photograph, as per specimen.

If you have changed your name due to other circumstances, deed/sworn affidavit (original and one self-attested photocopy), as per specimen, and a paper cutting (original and one self-attested photocopy) each of two leading daily newspapers where change of name has been published.

Persons holding graduate or higher degrees. (If final certificate is not available, provisional certificate plus mark sheet to be attached).

Persons holding three years’ diploma equivalent to a degree from recognized institutions like polytechnics.


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